Section 1 - Introduction Lecture 1: Introduction to Javascript Server Technologies 06:02 Section 2 - JavaScript Refresher Lecture 2: JavaScript Fundamentals 11:11 Lecture 3: Basic Setup & Structure 06:40 Lecture 4: Variables 07:20 Lecture 5: Conditionals 07:07 Lecture 6: Functions 08:23 Lecture 7: Arrays 06:56 Lecture 8: Loops 07:50 Lecture 9: Events 08:10 Section 3 - JQuery Refresher Lecture 10: jQuery Fundamentals 11:18 Lecture 11: jQuery Setup & Structure 07:50 Lecture 12: JQuery Events 24:19 Section 4 - Getting Started with Node.js Lecture 13: What is Node.js 06:50 Lecture 14: NPM 03:55 Lecture 15: Install & Setup Git 14:03 Lecture 16: Installing Node 06:29 Lecture 17: Build a Simple Web Server 11:25 Section 5 - Node.js Modules Lecture 18: What Are Modules 04:56 Lecture 19: Using Core Modules 08:47 Lecture 20: Using External Modules 07:51 Lecture 21: Creating a package.json File 05:15 Section 6 - Express Framework Lecture 22: Installation & Basic Routing 11:03 Lecture 23: Express With EJS 13:36 Lecture 24: Express With Jade 14:01 Lecture 25: Using Jade 22:16 Lecture 26: Setting Up MongoDB 14:55 Lecture 27: User Application 32:03 Section 7 - Backbone.js Lecture 28: What is Backbone.js 12:39 Lecture 29: Doc & Server Setup 09:59 Lecture 30: Views & Templates 14:33 Lecture 31: Working With Models 19:06 Lecture 32: Fetch & Display JSON Data 22:51 Section 8 - Angular.js Lecture 33: Intro to AngularJS 17:40 Lecture 34: App Structure Setup 18:22 Lecture 35: Routes & Views 22:47 Lecture 36: Controllers, Scope & Expressions 25:52 Lecture 37: Services 15:17 Lecture 38: Filtering Our Data 07:10 Section 9 - Ember.js Lecture 39: Ember Overview 11:43 Lecture 40: App Structure Setup 23:09 Lecture 41: Routes & Modeling Data 21:01 Lecture 42: Controllers & Inserting Data 19:15 Lecture 43: Editing & Updating Data 24:02 Lecture 44: Localstorage Adapter 05:00 Section 10 - Course Wrap Up Lecture 45: Course Summary 05:31
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